Are there different categories of membership?


Are there different categories of membership?

Yes.  It is important that the dairy sector is recognized for its diversity and the wide range of organizations operating across the different levels of the value chain and as such we cannot expect the same outcomes from every organization/grouping that want to join us in this ambitious initiative. We have therefore established three categories of membership of the DSF:

Full Implementing Members:  Those who can realistically endorse the DSF Sustainability Criteria and Strategic Intents and implement initiatives to address these. E.g. farming groups, dairy manufacturers.

Aggregating Members:  The aggregation approach allows countries, regions or even small groupings of dairy sector organizations who are collaborating on sustainability programs to register and report through one coordinating organisation.

Affiliate Members:  Those close to or part of the sector who are able to endorse the DSF Sustainability Criteria and Strategic intents, though not in a position to directly implement sustainability initiatives address the Criteria for the dairy sector. E.g. research organizations.