What are my commitments if I do sign up?


What are my commitments if I do sign up?

The key commitments of Implementation Members are:

  • Endorsing the 11 key sustainability criteria and Strategic Intents
  • Undertaking a materiality assessment where prioritization of sustainability issues at a more local level (the prioritization process will support your key areas of focus locally and choice of DSF criteria to work on)
  • Implementing initiatives to address the prioritised criteria that work towards their strategic intent and collect the indicator to measure progress
  • Delivery of the Plan, Do, Check and Adjust actions on existing programs to ensure they are continually evolving and addressing the key areas of interest
  • Provision of annual reporting

Information on implementing the DSF, the process and expected timescales can be found in our support document the DSF Implementation Guide for new members (available to download in the DSF Members Area or contact the DSF Secretariat).