
Who should attend the DSF Annual meeting on October 14th?

Alexander Anton, European Dairy Association

The 11th Annual DSF Meeting is taking place in Paris on 14 October. Alexander Anton, Secretary General of the European Dairy Association and DSF Governor, is chairing the meeting, so the DSF asked him about his ambitions for the event.

What do attendees have to look forward to this year?  As always, the DSF meeting will be action packed! Keynote speaker, Ben Williams is sharing details of Leprino Food’s lean management programmes supplying dairy farmers that have delivered significant economic returns. The CEO’s of the two Indian DSF Stage 1 pilot Partners will share their ambitions for the DSF implementation with smallholder dairy farmers and why they are providing leadership for others by engaging with the DSF. Delegates will then have the opportunity to join breakout groups to interact with other DSF members’ as they demonstrate sustainable dairy in action from across the globe.

How do I decide which breakout group to take part in?  You don’t need to decide, you will have the opportunity to participate in all five breakout groups.

I can’t travel to Paris, is it worth me attending online? Yes, definitely. We will miss seeing you at the event, of course, but we are endeavouring to make sure that those joining online get to experience as much of the dynamic program as possible. Of course, we will not be able to deliver everything that happens ‘in the room’.

Are there interpretation options again this year? Yes. There will be Spanish and Japanese interpretation available for those attending in person or online (one of the benefits of an on-line facility). It’s a ‘bring-your-own-earphones’ arrangement in Paris, if you want to access interpretation as it will operate through the meetings dedicated Zoom facility. 

Who should attend the annual meeting in person? Anyone who is working within the global dairy sector or has an interest in dairy sustainability, its monitoring and reporting should be there! – it’s the annual, one-time opportunity in to connect with peers to discuss sustainability on a global scale.
There’s a number of opportunities for wider networking to network both during and outside of the meeting. We appreciate that Paris is a long journey for many, but you may also choose to stay on for the Global Dairy Platform Annual Meeting in the afternoon of October 14 or the IDF World Dairy Summit in the same week close-by. 

I look forward to meeting with as many of you as possible – ideally in Paris, though if not in person on-line!  If you haven’t yet registered to attend the DSF Annual Meeting, please click here to do so!