Animal Care Community of Interest off to a great start
Animal Care Community of Interest off to a great start
Facilitated by Alejandra Viedma of Consorcio Lechero, DSF Aggregating member from Chile, we were delighted to have members joining from eight countries (four continents) to kick off the first meeting of the Animal Care community at the end of January. Alejandra presented briefly on animal welfare activities in Chile and was joined by two Chilean dairy farmers who outlined their own proactive approaches to improving dairy cow health and welfare on their farms under a nationally focused program. The group then discussed common challenges and agreed a list of focus topics for forthcoming meetings and will meet every other month to share ideas and activities. It is hoped that solutions used by one organisation may well answer a challenge being experienced by others, thus members helping each other to make faster progress.
If you are a DSF aggregating or implementing member and missed the first meeting, it is not too late to join the group, please email the DSF Secretariat for details of the next meeting.