DSF Reporting Heads Up! – all 11 criteria are now to be reported in 2020
DSF Reporting Heads Up! – all 11 criteria are now to be reported in 2020
DSF Implementing and Aggregating Members will be aware that in 2020 the DSF will start reporting progress on all 11 DSF Criteria. Of course members only need to report progress on the Criteria that they have prioritised as a result of their materiality analysis.
The High Level Indicator metrics that have been developed are available on the DSF website or by clicking here. As per the 2019 reporting process a simple data capture process will be utilised and will be sent to members in early 2020. The DSF has been working closely with the University of Reading (UK) statisticians to ensure maximum value of the data that is being supplied by members can be extracted, so there may be some minor changes to this year’s reporting procedure. Any changes will be clearly explained to those members who are affected at the earliest opportunity.
If members are unsure of their reporting commitments, please reach out to the DSF Secretariat at the earliest opportunity where they will be happy to help.
The deadline for the return of the data is March 31, 2020.