Developing a protocol that includes mitigation actions in agricultural lifecycle assessment
Developing a protocol that includes mitigation actions in agricultural lifecycle assessment
Those of us working within the sector appreciate the efforts of the dairy industry to reduce GHG emissions as quickly and efficiently as possible. Mitigation strategies and technologies continue to emerge, but understanding the potential impact of these and how this can be used in a carbon footprint calculation, is challenging. A number of dairy organisations are collaborating on just this and will develop, test and validate a robust protocol for on-farm GHG mitigation technologies, starting with methane inhibitors. This is a critical piece of work as though these technologies exist, there is no agreed scientifically robust methodology for capturing the mitigation achieved into farm lifecycle assessments. MiLCA (Mitigation actions in Agricultural Lifecycle Assessment) aims to develop a protocol that will describe the evidence base for a mitigation technology to be included with a high level of confidence that the claimed benefits have been realised. Read more details