DSF Communities of Interest Update
DSF Communities of Interest Update
The DSF GHG Emissions and Animal Care Communities of Interest (CI) both met this month. As smaller and more focused groups, each CI drills down into specific areas, under the Criteria to identify potential solutions. Dairy Australia provided a fascinating insight into their GHG work with farmers, whilst the Animal Care CI explored the USA’s responsible use of antibiotics aspect of their FARM program.
Recently DSF held the first Soils CI meeting where attendees enjoyed a “Soils 101” talk from Professor David Chadwick, University of Bangor, UK, who discussed the key indicators of a healthy soil, what constitutes better soil management and how a well-functioning soil can contribute to climate resilience. A recording of the soils 101 presentation is available for DSF members who were unable to attend.
Aggregating or Implementing DSF Members who would like to join a CI, please contact the DSF Secretariat for more information.