ILRI Mazingira – Understanding GHG emissions in the African Context!
ILRI Mazingira – Understanding GHG emissions in the African Context!
When attending the recent UNEA meeting in Nairobi Kenya, the DSF Director was lucky enough to learn of some of the important studies being undertaken by the International Livestock Research Institute and more specifically through the Mazingira Centre. (Mazingira is the Swahili word for environment).
With 70% of the African population generating a living from agriculture, it is important that a more detailed and local set of data is generated specifically for GHG emissions. In Africa there is a lack of appropriate technology and infrastructure resulting a real lack of data associated with the GHG emissions generated by the continent's livestock, predominantly Methane and Nitrous oxide.
Traditionally the GHG emissions discussion has been predominantly a western discussion and one that did not involve livestock production. This is changing with Agriculture now integral to Climate Change negotiations, population growth predictions and food security discussions.
The Mazingira Centre and its research programs are focused to deliver:
- Improved agricultural production pathways that reduce the environmental footprint of smallholder systems.
- Develop implementation strategies designed to suit landscape to regional programs.
Readers are encouraged to better understand the progressive research program at Mazingira by visiting: