Issue # 16, March 2017

In this issue...

We report on significant progress for Dairy Asia, important updates to the DSF database following member feedback and Dr Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane Association writes about the importance of keeping consumer trust. Plus much more...

Save the date - DSF Members Meeting 2017

Please add Sunday 29th October 2017 to your diaries for a whole day of connecting, collaborating and progressing with fellow members, the DSF Governors and Advisory Council with all the latest news and developments from the DSF in 2017.

Taking advantage of the fact that many of our members will be travelling to Belfast for the IDF World Dairy Summit in October, we will be holding our second members meeting there.

This is a members only meeting and more details on the venue and agenda will be issued to members in the coming months.

Significant progress for Dairy Asia

The ‘Focal Points’ (lead organisation within a member country) of the thirteen Asian countries who are members of the Dairy Asia initiative, met in Bangkok in March for a two day workshop.

Launched only a year ago the Dairy Asia initiative, through its members, has achieved great things already.  The Dairy Asia Sustainability Framework has established its own set of 10 Strategic Objectives that align with both the Global Dairy Sustainability Framework Criteria and importantly the SDGs.

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DSF database - listening to our members

Since joining the team in January, Martin Hofler has been working hard with our members to identify the challenges facing our members in the reporting process.

Outcomes from these informative conversations has led to a number of changes being made to the DSF reporting database to make the process more streamlined and intuitive.

Updates include: 'Pop up' boxes explaining the content required for each field, multi-user functionality to allow more than one user per company and separate fields for adding KPI/target information.

Martin is speaking to all implementing and aggregating members and further updates will be completed if more issues are identified.

Welcoming new DSF members

We are delighted to welcome two new implementing members - Strauss Health Ltd and Mastellone Hnos SA, a new affiliate member - Mondelez International  and one new aggregating member - CNEIL.

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Inventory of Business Tools

The SDG Compass provides guidance for companies on how they can align their strategies as well as measure and manage their contribution to the realization of the SDGs.

This inventory maps existing business tools against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It allows you to explore commonly used business tools that may be useful when assessing your organization’s impact on the SDGs. Later additional types of tools will also be added.

Find out more here

Initiatives likes this and may more are available to DSF members via the DSF Extranet

Identifying global indicators - member feedback essential

Following the recent webinar with Dr Marty Matlock, Universiry of Arkansas, we are progressing the work to identify high level indicators for the DSF Criteria, Soil Quality & RetentionSoil NutrientsBiodiversityWater Availability & Quality, and Working Conditions.

We have now sent a survey to all members asking for information on indicators already being used in these areas. This is a critically important part of the project as it will establish if there is an existing indicator that can be utlized on a global basis.

Members are reminded that the survey (available online and in an editable PDF) needs be completed by Friday 7th April to ensure these indicators can be launched at the members meeting in October.

Opinion Piece: The best way for dairy companies to keep consumer’s trust
Robin with white dog

Dr Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane Association is a member of the DSF Advisory Council.  While the DSF is not a certification program, having Dr Ganzert involved helps us see animal care through a different lens and we thank her for this insight.

Third-Party Certification Programs: The Best Way for Dairy Companies to Keep Consumer’s Trust

With today’s consumers pressuring the dairy industry to improve the standard of care for their animals, producers are sometimes left confused. Where did this trend toward demanding more humanely-raised products come from? And better yet, how can the industry accommodate it?

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Collecting baseline data for Animal Care GHG Emissions Criteria

To initiate the industry’s progress reporting process, the DSF must first establish global dairy’s baseline under each of these two indicators.  We have asked our members to support this.

We have requested information (company study, national review or academic paper) which will be reviewed and where possible included in the baseline development process.  The DSF will not release any studies that are not already in the public domain, as the intent is to aggregate the evidence received in a way that is representative of the baseline for global dairy.

Full details of the information requested can be found here. Please send all relevant information to Martin Hofler by Friday 7th April 2017.

update profile
About us

DSF - Dairy Sustainability Framework


Contact us

Dairy Sustainability Framework
5th Floor, Rue Des Nerviens 9-31
1040 Brussels – Belgium
Tel: +32 2 325 67 40
Fax: +32 2 325 67 41

© 2025 Dairy Sustainability Framework, All rights reserved