# Issue 32, June 2020
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In this issue...

We report on DSF membership activities, recent research findings into the impact of under nutrition of cattle and greenhouse gas emissions, developments for Dairy Asia and much more...

DSF Members Webinar programme

Webinar series 2020


Our DSF Webinar programme is now in full swing and we have had some great feedback on the first three on Dairy Communications, the DSF Reporting Model – progress update, and Criteria – materiality – priorities – programs the US DSF experience.  If you…

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New study finds that severe undernutrition of cattle increases their methane production

Researchers at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Kenya and partners in Germany (Kassel University, University of Hohenheim & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) have found that if animals are fed below their maintenance energy requirements, the methane yield is higher.  If the basic energy requirement of an animal is not met by the feed…

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Research cow

Climate change: Top 10 tips to reduce carbon footprint revealed

The researchers of a recent study argue that protecting the planet must become the first duty of all decision makers.  The study explains that the response to the Covid-19 crisis has shown that the public is willing to accept radical change if they consider it necessary.  The report goes on to call for government priorities…

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Modelling soil carbon storage in grasslands through the LEAP guidelines and the GLEAM model

The Livestock Environmental and Assessment Partnership (LEAP) has worked closely with FAO and INRAE (France’s new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food & Environment) in recent months to incorporate an additional component in the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM), a modelling framework to estimate livestock and environment interactions such as GHG emissions (used by…

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Dairy Asia Secretariat Office launches in Ulaanbaatar

Dairy Asia logo


On June 10, the Dairy Asia Secretariat Office officially launched in Ulaanbaatar with the support of Government of Mongolia (GoM) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).  Dairy Asia is a multi-stakeholder partnership committed to building a socially and environmentally responsible Asian dairy…

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Milking the planet: How big dairy is heating up the planet and hollowing rural communities

A report published this week by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), titled ‘Milking the Planet: How Big Dairy is heating Up the Planet and Hollowing Rural Communities’, challenges the dairy sector, specifically 13 of the largest dairy companies, and the impact they are having on GHG emissions and rural communities.  The…

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Milking the planet

Food for thought...

Farmers could play vital role in emerging bioenergy industry and help reduce emissions

Scientists understand cattle not climate villains, but media still missing message

Hands-free, solar-powered robotic dairy changes life for a NSW dairying family

Farmers could play vital role in emerging bioenergy industry and help reduce emissions (reported by ABC News).  Australian…

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Cotton gin opens its doors for a yarn amid criticism of industry

A different industry but with similar sustainability challenges and issues to tackle and their approach to dealing with criticism and communicating the positive work within the sector.  To read more

Just a few of the generous responses of the global dairy sector to Covid 19
Upcoming Events
  • LEAP Biodiversity and the Livestock sector webinar - 22 June 2020 15h00 - 16h30 CEST to register click here
  • Food Security & Nutrition: building a global narrative towards 2020 - Launch of HLPE's 15th report - 25 June 2020 11h00 - 14h00 GMT launch details
  • From Crisis to Opportunity: Lessons from COVID-19 for Building a Better Future through Sustainable Livestock, GASL online MSP Meeting - 14 -18 September 2020 more details
  • Global Dairy Platform's 14th Annual Meeting - 25 September 2020 (virtual event)
  • DSF Virtual Members Meeting - 26 September 2020 11h00 UK time world start times
If you have any forthcoming events that you think would interest DSF Members, please send details to info@dairysustainabilityframework.org and we will do our best to include them in future newsletters.
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About us
DSF - Dairy Sustainability Framework


Contact us
Dairy Sustainability Framework
5th Floor, Rue Des Nerviens 9-31
1040 Brussels – Belgium
Tel: +32 2 325 67 40
Fax: +32 2 325 67 41
© 2025 Dairy Sustainability Framework, All rights reserved