In this issue...
We introduce the DSF Annual Report 2015 -2016, announce a Post Implementation Review (PIR) for the Framework and showcase new multi-language videos. Plus much more... |
New annual report for the DSF shows significant progress |
The 2015 – 2016 review of the year reports that 27% of global milk production now operates under the Framework (up 10% on the previous report) covering over 30 million cows, 658,000 farms and 3,700 processing plants worldwide.
The size of the Framework has increased substantially with the introduction of ‘Aggregating Membership’ which allows countries, regions, or even small groupings of dairy sector organizations who are collaborating on sustainability programs, to register and report through one coordinating body. Already there are three Aggregating Members - representing 187 dairy companies in total. |
DSF carrying out Post Implementation Review (PIR) |
After 30 months of operation, the GDAA governors have commissioned SustainAbility, the consultants who assisted in developing the DSF, to conduct a Post Implementation Review. The objective of the PIR is to proactively assess the progress made and to help chart the course for the next stage of development. The outcomes of the PIR and future plans for the DSF will be shared at a special meeting to be held in advance of the World Dairy Summit in Rotterdam in October of this year. |
DSF adds multi language videos for potential members |
As a global organization, the Dairy Sustainability Framework is working hard to communicate with as many new (and existing) members as possible, from all parts of the dairy value chain.
With this in mind, we have produced a number of short videos featuring frequently asked questions about the Framework, from membership requirements to reporting commitments.
The 23 videos have been produced in English but have been subtitled in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese and Thai – indicating the global reach of the Framework so far. The videos can be viewed here. |
Declaration of Puerto Varas |
The 14th Panamerican Dairy Congress, organized by FEPALE, culminated in the signing of the Declaration of Puerto Varas.
Representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, members of the Southern Agricultural Council (CAS), and FEPALE signed this important document which clearly demonstrates the importance of the coordination between public policies for the agricultural sector and the interests and objectives of the dairy agri-food chain. |
DSF promotes collaboration in seeking solutions |
This month saw the launch of the Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock? document by the UN's High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE).
Prior to the launch, the DSF attended a Private Sector Mechanism (PSM) meeting to engage with many UN Country representatives through both bilateral and group meetings. The forum was hosted by H.E Ambassador Claudio Rozencwaig of Argentina and sponsored by Global Dairy Platform (GDP) and International Dairy Federation (IDF), |
GDAA at Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock |
Some 195 participants from 45 different countries spanning five continents descended on Panama for the 6th Multi-stakeholder meeting of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock.
Representatives came from the Private and public sectors, NGOs, Academia, Social Movements, intergovernmental, multilateral and donor organisations. The Global Agenda now has some 77 members globally.
The Global Dairy Agenda for Action were invited by the conference organisers to share how a framework approach adopted by the dairy sector (the DSF) could be a potential approach for other livestock sectors. |
Upcoming events |
Solutions for Sustainable Milk Processing
Santiago de Compostela, Spain 22-23 September, 2016 - Resource efficient dairy processing, two days of insights and solutions.
DSF Development Director, Brian Lindsay, will be giving a presentation on the DSF at this event. |
DSF Members' Meeting
To coincide with those travelling to the IDF World Dairy Summit in Rotterdam in October, we are planning a meeting on the morning of Friday 14th October 2016.
The session will include specialist speakers on key sustainability topics, challenging us, the dairy community, to develop a platform for us to work together to face these challenges. |
Global Dairy Agenda for Action 5th Floor, Rue Des Nerviens 9-31 1040 Brussels – Belgium Tel: +32 2 325 67 40 Fax: +32 2 325 67 41
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