Rural Economies

Rural Economies

Global Criteria

  • Criteria Overview: Read and download the Rural Economies Criteria Overview.
  • Strategic Intent: The dairy sector contributes to the resilience and economic viability of farmers and rural communities.
  • Indicator: Total payments to farmers for milk, calculated as [Annual Milk Tonnes Sold] x [Annual Average Milk Price].
  • Theory of change: Total payments to farmers is a tangible number that many producers already track. Comparisons of annual numbers can inform how much the dairy sector contributes to rural economies. Creating a benchmark of total payments will help determine how the dairy sector contributes to the resilience and economic viability of farmers and rural communities, and how that contribution changes over time.
  • Reporting Strategy: Each participating member organization that has prioritized this criterion will report the total payments (stating the currency used) made to farmers, calculated as [Annual Milk Tonnes Sold] x [Annual Average Milk Price].
  • Reporting Schedule: Baseline established 2019 Annual reporting period is calendar year (January 1- December 31) Reports submitted to DSF by March 31 each subsequent year