- Criteria Overview: Read and download the Soil Nutrients Criteria Overview.
- Strategic Intent: Nutrient application is managed to minimize impacts on water and air, while maintaining and enhancing soil quality.
- Indicator: Implementation of a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) to enhance production and reduce water and air pollution.
- Theory of change: A well-developed NMP will help to improve nutrient use efficiency, reduce nutrient impacts on water quality and air pollution, while improving soil quality. Written procedures and record-keeping will help ensure that agricultural producers are making the best daily and seasonal decisions to drive this outcome. This plan can also include the requirements for the Soil Quality and Retention Criteria.
- Reporting Strategy: Each participating member organization that has prioritized this criterion will define what constitutes a Nutrient Management Plan for their unique situation. Member organizations will report the number of their participants who have implemented a Nutrient Management Plan during the period.
- Reporting Schedule: Baseline established 2017 Annual reporting period is calendar year (January 1- December 31) Reports submitted to DSF via the DSF extranet, by March 31 each subsequent year